I. Articles/Columns


Women's Issues


Authors & Writing




Mythology / Religion












II. Research Papers and Publications


1. “Role of Students in Entrepreneurship” has been published in the January 2012 issue of International Journal of Management & Social Sciences (Index Copernicus Journal id: 6913; ISSN 2249-0191). It was presented at International Conference on Entrepreneurship Research in BRIC countries, hosted by IIM Bangalore, on 9th December 2011.

2.  “Study of Job Insecurity – employees’ perspective, with reference to the pull and push factors in an ideal IT work space” has been published with Review of Business & Technology Research (An International Journal of Business & Technology Research), Vol. 4, No.1, July 2011 (ISSN 1941-9414).

3. "Study of Job Insecurity and its influence on Organisational Behaviour" has been published with Matrix Business Review, Volume 2, Issue 1, September 2011 (ISSN 2230-8717).

4. “Social Intelligence in Leaders and its effect on Organisational Commitment of Employees” was presented at National Conference on Innovation for Organisational Excellence, Mumbai on 24th October 2011.

5. “Consumers’ Myopia for Cosmetic Products and Concept of Beauty, with reference to western India" was presented at National Conference on Challenges and Prospective in Engineering, Management & Pharmacy, organized by BM Colleges, Indore.

6. “Social Intelligence – a study of antecedents and outcomes” was presented and published at Nirma International Conference on Management 2012, scheduled between 5-7th January 2011, hosted by Nirma University.

7. “Job Insecurity – A factor influencing Attrition” was presented at 3rd Conference on Excellence in Research and Education 2011, IIM Indore, on 16th May 2011.